What are the hours to shop at GLOW?

GLOW is available for shopping appointments between the hours of 9:30am to 3pm.  There are no appointments scheduled past 3pm.

Who can register for the GLOW clothing program?

GLOW is available to equity-deserving individuals living on a limited income.

Clients can register at New Circles and are entitled to four shopping trips of one hour each during the first 2 years after registration, and two shopping trips per year during the 3rd and 4th year. After the fourth year, access to this program is concluded. If for some reason a client does not qualify for the program, New Circles is pleased to refer you to services at other agencies.

How do I apply? 

If you are living on a limited income, call 416-422-2591 or email info@newcircles.ca  to book your first appointment.

We offer our clothing service to people throughout the GTA who are in need of clothing. Individuals can be referred by an employee of a social service agency, such as a settlement worker, Ontario Works caseworker, employment counsellor, or another social service worker.

What Should I Bring To the GLOW Appointment?

Bring proof of address, proof of status, and a valid photo ID such as a Driver’s License, Health Card, or Canadian Passport for each family member you wish to shop for, along with proof of your family income.

After your first appointment, you may call 416-422-2591 or email info@newcircles.ca to make additional appointments.

For Referring Agencies

Referring agencies can email us at info@newcircles.ca to create an emergency referral. Once we receive the referral, we will contact the client directly to book an appointment. We will book clients on a first-come, first-served basis. If your client was previously referred to New Circles, there is no need to submit a new referral.

Please note: Referring workers will receive a confirmation email when the referral is submitted.