FAQ - Retail & Customer Service Training Program

Frequently Asked Questions

  1.  Do I have to pay for the program?

No! All our Retail & Customer Service training is funded through government programs and private donors. Women with Permanent Residential status, Convention Refugees and Protected Persons are given priority acceptance into the program.

2.  Are the classes virtual or in-person?

For the most part the training and workshops are virtual, but on some occasions, we have in-person workshops. The mandatory internship of 80 hours in total is conducted in-person at New Circles’ GLOW store which is located at 161 Bartley Drive. The closest transit is at the intersection of Victoria Park and O’Connor Drive. Please click here to read more about GLOW. 

3.  What is the schedule of the program?

In total, Retail & Customer Service is an 8-week program and participants must be available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 3pm. The first 4 weeks are conducted virtually with the training provided by our partner, Centennial College. The final 4-5 weeks of the program include in-person internships at the New Circles GLOW clothing store. Click here to see a typical program schedule. 

4.  Will I automatically get a job at the completion of the program?

The internship at New Circles’ GLOW clothing store will provide you with Canadian work experience and help you build your social and professional networks but does not automatically guarantee employment. Once you have graduated from the program, we ask that you stay in touch with us! You will receive ongoing communication about job fairs, networking events, and job postings from our Labour Market Coordinator and through our New Circles LinkedIn Alumni group. 
